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SELECTBIO Conferences Screening Europe - HTS & Compound Management

Samu Melkko's Biography

Samu Melkko, Investigator, Novartis

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Automated State-of-the-Art Compound Profiling for Protease Drug Targets

Thursday, 30 June 2011 at 14:15

Add to Calendar ▼2011-06-30 14:15:002011-06-30 15:15:00Europe/LondonAutomated State-of-the-Art Compound Profiling for Protease Drug

Proteases are an important class of targets for drug discovery, with several protease inhibitors in the clinic for various indications. Similar to the well-established processes used in high-throughput screening (HTS), an automated compound profiling process for proteases has been introduced enabling high quality data and short turnaround times. Optimized workflows and a modular set-up of the processes provide the flexibility needed to support the unique needs of target-class oriented drug discovery programs with tailored solutions.

Add to Calendar ▼2011-06-30 00:00:002011-07-01 00:00:00Europe/LondonScreening Europe - HTS and Compound