I am a professor of Radiology and Radiation Oncology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. I am also the Director of the laboratories of Radiopharmaceutical research and Molecular Imaging. I obtained my MS and PhD degrees from the University London, England. The major thrust of my research is to develop radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. I have published more than 500 original articles, review papers, book chapters, abstracts, and editorials. I have also published four books and translated my basic research into clinical applications. I have given numerous invited presentations at home and abroad, in academic institutions and industries, and at national and international scientific gatherings. I hold 20 granted patents and serve on the editorial board for 14 journals. As a PI and Co-PI, my research has always been funded by federal, foundational, and industrial grants. Currently I hold three INDs from the US FDA to perform clinical research. My contributions to the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging is well recognized by my peers, for which I have received 10 national and International awards, including the Society of Nuclear Medicine’s highest honor, the Benedict Cassen award. I have been elected as President of three international societies, including the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.