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SELECTBIO Conferences DXS Track Two

Nat Whitney's Biography

Nat Whitney, President, Whitney Research, Inc

Mr. Whitney has a long history in China dating back to 1983, when he was Technology Marketing Manager, Asia, for Corning Glass Works, Medical Division. He held numerous technical, manufacturing, product development and international marketing management positions with Corning/ Ciba Corning/ Chiron over his 31 year career. He has owned a China distribution and market consulting business since 1994 with offices in Beijing and the USA, with a staff of medical professionals and researchers, specializing in In-vitro Diagnostics. He has an ardent interest in Healthcare reform, having investigated the China healthcare system for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2007 and innovative IVD developments by Chinese companies for TB and HIV for the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) in Geneva.

His company, Whitney Research, develops profiles and tracks performance of over 430 Chinese IVD companies and the major multinationals selling in China. His business is primarily with IVD companies who want to better understand the China IVD market, consults on China strategy, and is a resource to many of the major investment houses with interests in China.

The sister company of Whitney Research, Whitney Consulting, provides regulatory assistance to all medical device companies, including registrations and clinical trials.

Mr. Whitney has a degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Massachusetts. He is able to unravel the mysteries of the China healthcare system through extensive research of policies and payers, and on the ground interviews with those who make policy, those who administer, those who supply, and those who receive healthcare in China.

Nat  Whitney Image

Parallels to Developed Markets as China and Asia Move Forward

Friday, 14 October 2016 at 11:45

Add to Calendar ▼2016-10-14 11:45:002016-10-14 12:45:00Europe/LondonParallels to Developed Markets as China and Asia Move

Add to Calendar ▼2016-10-13 00:00:002016-10-14 00:00:00Europe/LondonDXS Track