Metabolic Profiling of Geobacter Sulfurreducens During a Scale-up ProcessThursday, 11 September 2014 at 14:45 Add to Calendar ▼2014-09-11 14:45:002014-09-11 15:45:00Europe/LondonMetabolic Profiling of Geobacter Sulfurreducens During a Scale-up ProcessMetabomeeting 2014 in London, UKLondon, The process of bio-magnetite nanoparticle production using G. sulfurreducens and its wide-range of applications have seen increasing interest during the past decade. Here, we scale-up this batch culture bioprocess from 100 mL serum bottles to 5 L bioreactor, and employ metabolic fingerprinting (FT-IR) and profiling techniques (GC-MS) to determine the metabolic response of cells to the scale-up process. |