Andrew Southam,
PostDoc Fellow,
University of Birmingham
Dr Andy Southam is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Birmingham. His research focuses on lipid metabolism in the leukaemia cell and aims to understand how metabolic perturbations to lipid biosynthesis affect cell survival. Current research involves identifying drug redeployment therapies (using currently available drugs for different purposes to their original intended use) that have anti-leukemic and anti-lymphomic activity by interfering with the cancer cell lipid metabolism. He has a PhD in environmental and analytical metabolomics from the University of Birmingham. He has published several metabolomics papers relating to both biological studies and analytical method development, including the development of the SIM-stitch direct infusion FT-ICR mass spectrometry based metabolomics method. His areas of expertise are mass spectrometry metabolomics and lipidomics, cell biology and molecular biology.
Session 8: Advancing Biological Knowledge from Single Cells to AnimalsWednesday, 9 December 2015 at 10:59 Add to Calendar ▼2015-12-07 00:00:002015-12-07 01:00:00Europe/LondonMetaboMeeting 2015 in Cambridge, UKCambridge,