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SELECTBIO Conferences MetaboMeeting 2015

Manfred Beckmann's Biography

Manfred Beckmann, Research Fellow, University of Wales Aberystwyth

Dr Beckmann obtained his doctorate in analytical chemistry at the C.v.O. University Oldenburg, Germany, on the identification of pheromones in marine polychaetes. Since then he has contributed as a marine chemical ecologist to the understanding of chemical communication and antifouling (HKUST, Hongkong), to measure and estimate production of green house gases in wetlands (Cardiff University) and to the investigatigation of metabolic changes in GM-crops, during host-pathogen interactions and dietary effects on mammalian biofluids (Aberystwyth).

He is now a research lecturer and Metabolomics Champion in the High Resolution Metabolomics Laboratory at Aberystwyth University. His research interests are in high through-put ultra-high resolution Metabolomics of difficult matrices and ‘real world samples’.

Manfred Beckmann Image

Data-driven, Non-targeted Metabolomic Approaches Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

Monday, 7 December 2015 at 14:30

Add to Calendar ▼2015-12-07 14:30:002015-12-07 15:30:00Europe/LondonData-driven, Non-targeted Metabolomic Approaches Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Advanced Machine Learning AlgorithmsMetaboMeeting 2015 in Cambridge, UKCambridge,

Non-targeted metabolomics is combined with advanced machine learning algorithms and high performance computing clusters, to elucidate metabolic changes in a range of biological systems. Discriminatory features are elucidated with chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (MSn), without the need for extensive targeted studies.

Add to Calendar ▼2015-12-07 00:00:002015-12-09 00:00:00Europe/LondonMetaboMeeting 2015MetaboMeeting 2015 in Cambridge, UKCambridge,