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SELECTBIO Conferences NGS, SCA, Mass Spec: The Road to Diagnostics

Selena Larkin's Biography

Selena Larkin, Vice President, Marketing and Sales, SISCAPA/Omicia

Selena Larkin, PhD, MBA. VP - Marketing and Sales at SISCAPA Assay Technologies (SAT) Dr. Larkin has over fifteen years experience in commercialization and support of innovative technologies for the Life Science market. She has responsibility for driving the marketing and sales activities at SAT. At SAT we believe quantitation of proteins in biologic samples provides an actionable measure of the state of health, disease and treatment. We provide services and products for sequence-specific protein quantitation and robust generation of data in an automated, multiplexed and high throughput manner. Selena has a PhD in protein chemistry from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and extensive experience in support of clients for sample preparation and analytics via LCMS. As a founder of BIOCIUS, Selena was responsible for commercialization of RapidFire sample preparation technology.

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Automated, Multiplexed Quantitation of Proteins; Facilitating Mass Spectrometric Assays in Research and in the Clinic

Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 16:30

Add to Calendar ▼2015-09-30 16:30:002015-09-30 17:30:00Europe/LondonAutomated, Multiplexed Quantitation of Proteins; Facilitating Mass Spectrometric Assays in Research and in the ClinicNGS, SCA, Mass Spec: The Road to Diagnostics in San Diego, California, USASan Diego, California,

Proteomics workflows often lack the necessary reproducibility required for clinical applications. This is in part due to the complex nature of these workflows, which typically start with enzymatic digestion (e.g. trypsin) of complex specimens (e.g. human blood) followed by multiple fractionation steps prior to analysis by a mass spectrometer. Therefore, in order to comply with the clinical specifications for total analytical error, a simple and reproducible workflow is needed. Here we report the development of a generic, highly reproducible tryptic digestion method for complex protein mixtures. This digestion approach is further complemented with the use of the SISCAPA technology (sequence-specific capture of target peptides and corresponding stable isotope labeled standards using high-affinity anti-peptide antibodies from digested specimens). The result is an ‘addition-only’ or homogeneous approach that can be easily implemented on a variety of automated liquid handling platforms for precise, robust and sensitive measurement of peptide analytes. The addition-only strategy allows for sequential addition of samples and reagents in a 96-well format and eliminates the need for separative techniques such as filtration, solid phase extraction or centrifugation. Furthermore, the SISCAPA enrichment of analytes creates eluted samples that can be analyzed by mass spectrometry with minimal liquid chromatography. We have implemented this workflow on a Bravo Liquid Handling Robot (Agilent Technologies, CA) for liquid specimens (e.g. whole blood, plasma/serum) and dried blood spots (DBS). In collaboration with Agilent Technologies, we have also designed an intuitive user interface that further simplifies the workflow from an operational perspective.

Add to Calendar ▼2015-09-28 00:00:002015-09-30 00:00:00Europe/LondonNGS, SCA, Mass Spec: The Road to DiagnosticsNGS, SCA, Mass Spec: The Road to Diagnostics in San Diego, California, USASan Diego, California,