Michael Quail,
Team Leader,
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Michael Quail is team leader of the Sequencing Research and Development Group at the Sanger Institute. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from the University of Hull, he then spent two years in industry at Quest International (a Unilever company), did his Ph.D and two postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Sheffield before moving to the Sanger Centre in February 1997.
From January to October 2010 Michael had the position of Library Coordinator where he managed the library construction, 454 and mapping and archive groups. Michael was involved in the initial testing of the Solexa sequencing platform and set up a group in 2008 for preparing libraries to supply our production group. Since October 2010 he has been managing the sequencing R and D group which has been involved in evaluating new sequencing technologies, ancilliary equipment, molecular biology kits and reagents, and in development of new sequencing applications.