Add to Calendar ▼2012-09-05 10:15:002012-09-05 11:15:00Europe/LondonIsolate. Convert. Quantify. Sigma's Complete Workflow Solution for RT-qPCR microRNA Expression
Sigma® Life Science has provided solutions for the
functional analysis of microRNAs since 2008 with MISSION® microRNA mimics.
Since then, Sigma has developed more tools for understanding what genes
microRNAs regulate (MISSION Target ID Library) and validating these targets
(MISSION 3' UTR Lenti GoClone™). Now, we complement the workflow at the
discovery level with the MystiCq™ microRNA products for microRNA RT-qPCR
Add to Calendar ▼2012-09-04 00:00:002012-09-05 00:00:00Europe/LondonAdvances in qPCR