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Business Courses

Protein and Nucleic Acid Biomarkers 2012

This Business Course is being held in Madrid, Spain on the 16 October 2012 at 12:30 - 14:30


Enal Razvi Image
Enal Razvi
Managing Director,
Select Biosciences Inc

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the biomarkers field focusing on protein biomarkers, nucleic acid biomarkers, and emphasizing circulating biomarkers.

Protein Biomarkers

Nucleic Acid Biomarkers

Circulating Cancer Biomarkers

  • Classes of cancer biomarkers
  • Biological Significance and Proposed Role In Vivo
  • Utility of Expression Patterns/Signatures as a Determinant for Physiological Processes as well as Disease/Pathological Situations
  • Examples of Expression Patterns and Correlations
  • Methods for Validating Protein and Nucleic Acid Biomarkers
  • Biomarker Market Metrics
  • Validated Biomarkers
  • Market Sizing
  • ASRs and LDTs
  • microRNA Biomarkers
  • Epigenetic Biomarkers
  • Market Opportunity and Growth Rates

This training course is ideally suited for researchers involved in investigations focusing on biomarker changes in biological and disease situations—both academic as well as from the industrial community. Indeed, there is currently extensive interest in the broader biomarker space as it impacts the development of companion diagnostics and personalized medicine. Also, this course is important for biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and related disciplines wherein industry participants—both technically focused as well as business focused—can get a solid understanding of the marketplace as well as receive the most up-to-date market data and associated materials for in-house research and business planning activities. Also, this course is recommended for investors as well as attorneys looking for a current technology and market review of this expanding field.

All attendees to this training course receive the electronic files of the presentation material on disk with full rights to use them in their internal R&D as well as business planning activities.

Training Course Specific Presentation Topics

  • Biomarkers: Definition, Historical Perspective, Summary of Current Status of the Field
  • Harvesting Biomarkers from the Literature
  • Classes of Biomarkers
    • Protein
    • Nucleic Acid
    • Metabolite/Small Molecule
  • Methodologies for Validating Protein and Nucleic Acid Biomarkers
  • Currently how many Biomarkers have been validated?
    • Disease Classes into which these Biomarkers Segregate
  • ASRs and LDTs
  • Biomarker Development into Companion Diagnostics: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Market Growth Rate and Metrics
  • Emerging Classes of Biomarkers and Opportunities for Disease Stratification
    • microRNA Biomarkers
    • Epigenetic Biomarkers

For more information about this training course or for group registrations, please e-mail Kathy Gray at