Organoids and Spheroids Europe 2024 Exhibition

Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities

If you require any information about exhibiting or sponsoring at one of our events please contact Jeff Fan using the information below:

Jeff Fan, Exhibition Manager

Gold Sponsors

ASIGA LogoElvesys LogoKloé LogoM24You GmbH Logo
microfluidic ChipShop GmbH LogoParticle Metrix Inc. LogoSTRATEC Consumables GmbH Logoz-microsystems Logo


BIODOT Ltd.DENZ BIO-Medical GmbHEden MicrofluidicsEvercyte
FlexMedical Solutions LtdHeidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbHIZONLive Drop SA
Microsystems (UK) Ltd.NanoVoxel GmbHRAITH GmbHTAmiRNA GmbH


K.F. Technology Srl Logo