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3 for 2 Offer SELECTBIO Conferences SelectBIO NEW Conference Website Located at:  Please go to that NEW Website to View Conferences and Register Online for ConferencesePoster Award Prize

Fluorescence Assays in Drug Discovery

Held in conjunction with European Lab Automation

30 May 2012, at 08:30-17:00 in Hamburg, Germany


What will I gain by attending?

  • Master the basic concepts of fluorescence at the level required to understand fluorometric assays and instrumentation.
  • Understand the basis and applications of advanced methods such as fluorescence imaging, fluorescence polarization and time-resolved energy transfer.
  • Learn the important types of interferences in fluorometric assays.
  • Discover where to find more advanced information, using the extensive list of references provided.

Course Topics:

  • Fluorescence fundamentals
  • Labels and labeling chemistries
  • Instrumentation
  • Interferences and limitations
  • Survey of principal fluorescence methods
  • Biochemical and cellular applications

John C. Owicki

John C. Owicki, Consultant, Owicki Consulting