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SELECTBIO Conferences Flow Chemistry Congress

Flow Chemistry Congress Agenda

Integrated Liquid-liquid Separator and its Uses in Flow Chemistry

Andrea Adamo, Chief Executive Officer, Zaiput Flow Technologies

Successful implementation of flow chemistry based processes requires the availability of adequate tools for in-line chemical work-up. Here we present a liquid-liquid separator designed for flow chemistry applications. The separator exploits surface forces to achieve separation of immiscible liquids, an integrated pressure controller ensures that adequate separating conditions can be maintained during operation. We will first discuss in detail its principle of operation, its properties and typical performance. We will then provide some examples of use of the device drawn both from our own work and current literature. The example will cover cases of extraction, multistep synthesis and solvent switch. The as multistep example we will discuss the synthesis of fluoxetine that involves 3 reactive and3 extractive steps all integrated in one single continuous process.