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SELECTBIO Conferences High Content & Phenotypic Screening 2017

High Content & Phenotypic Screening 2017 Agenda

HipSci Cell Phenotyping: Building High Content Analysis Platforms to Characterise Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines

Davide Danovi, Director, HipSci Cell Phenotyping, Kings College London

The human induced pluripotent stem cell initiative brings together diverse constituents in genomics, proteomics, cell biology and clinical genetics to create a UK national iPS cell resource and use it to carry out cellular genetic studies. Funded by the Wellcome Trust and MRC, its framework sees groups at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, the University of Dundee, the European Bioinformatics Institute and King’s College London working together to characterise large panel of iPS cell lines. We work at the HipSci cell phenotyping programme at the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine directed by Prof. Fiona Watt. Here, we have recently developed and published methods integrating live image with end point analysis for iPS cells exposed to different concentration of extracellular matrix Fibronectin. We have now characterised a large panel of over 100 lines from over 70 donors and preliminary evidence allows us to attribute a portion of the observed phenotypes to a genetic component. We are now in the process to identify genes responsible for selected phenotypic features. Furthermore, we are extending the conditions used and the complexity of our read outs to include differentiation of cells on engineered surfaces. Building on the hipsci experience of collaborative phenotyping, we are also implementing at the centre a ‘stem cell hotel’. This will allow scientists to engage with our community of experts in stem cell biology, artificial microenvironments and image analysis.