Custom and Mass Manufacturing of High Resolution Microfluidics by Low Cost SLA 3D Printing

Tuesday, 7 May 2024 at 10:30

Add to Calendar ▼2024-05-07 10:30:002024-05-07 11:30:00Europe/LondonCustom and Mass Manufacturing of High Resolution Microfluidics by Low Cost SLA 3D PrintingInnovations in Microfluidics 2024: Rapid Prototyping, 3D-Printing in Ann Arbor, MichiganAnn Arbor,

I will present our work on stereolithography DLP and LCD 3D printing for microfluidics and notably how it elevated and transformed capillaric circuits (CC); CCs are structurally-encoded pre-programmed capillary microfluidics operating without moving part, peripherals nor computer, and powered by the free surface energy of paper. Capillaric circuits are hierarchically built from basic elements such as microchannels, resistances, pumps, valves (incl. stop-, trigger-, retention-, retention burst-, and domino-valves) and more complex sub-systems such as microfluidic chain reactions for scalable, algorithmic liquid handling operations. The progression from replica molding to digital manufacturing – i.e. from a digital file to functional device thanks to new hydrophilic inks – will be illustrated with various designs, notably the ELISA chip for point-of-care diagnostics. The potential of ultra-low cost LCD 3D printers and custom inks for microfluidics will be illustrated via microfluidic mixers, active valves, ELISA chips, and by mass manufacturing thousands of organ-on-chip devices in a single run. SLA 3D printing together with tailored inks pave the way for high-resolution distributed manufacturing of ready-to-use microfluidic systems (e.g. CCs with structurally encoded algorithms ) anywhere, by anyone who can spare US$300 to buy an LCD 3D printer.

David Juncker, Professor and Chair, McGill University

David Juncker

David Juncker stayed as a visiting scientist at the National Metrology Institute of Japan in Tsukuba from 1997-98. He conducted his PhD research at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory from 1999-2002. He then pursued his studies as a Post-doc first at IBM Zurich until 2004, and then one year at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH). David started as an assistant professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department of McGill University in 2005, was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2011, and became a full professor in 2016. As of early 2018, David serves as departmental chair of the Biomedical Engineering Department at McGill University.

Dr. Juncker's current interests are in the miniaturization and integration in biology and medicine, which includes the engineering and utilization of novel micro and nanotechnologies for manipulating, stimulating and studying oligonucleotides, proteins, cells, and tissues. The emerging field of nanobiotechnology, in a broad sense, is the most exciting to him, and is also key to tackle some of the major challenges in biology and medicine, for example identifying novel biomarkers for early disease diagnosis and developing low-cost point-of-care diagnostics.